L Fest Solo Club is for friendship and to meet others to enjoy and share the weekend with. There  is a specific crew designated to meet and greet you and introduce you to others in the group as soon as you arrive. There's a solos camping area, a group meet & greet  where you can meet others to take part in activities together. Its ages 18-80+


Join our solo's facebook group now and make friends before the weekend itself. the solo's are arranging meet ups and events themselves before L Fest so its great to join in the fun. It’s not about dating, but if you happen to meet someone special that's just a bonus! We have already had a number of relationships start at L Fest and we are looking for a good excuse to buy a hat! :-)


Our solos zone is hosted by Planet London, the website that knows where you should be and when in London. Their planeteers will interact with you to meet other solo women, play  games, speed dating and so much more so be sure to check out PLANET CENTRAL, The solo zone at all L Fest events. 

At L Fest we want to create a safe, relaxing and carefree environment for L Festers who visit L Fest on their

own, to make new friends and to enjoy the festival. L Fest Solo Club is all about caring and sharing.



L Fest Solo Club"Come on your own, go home with 50 new friends"


Join our solos facebook group

Don't just take our word for it, we asked the solo's on facebook what they thought of the group:

'Its the solo site that you don't need to pay to send a smile or a wink.
Its the solo site that you dont pay to meet up and have a drink......
Its the L Fest page at its best for ladies on their own.......
Just say hello and be prepared for the magic in our solo dome'

'I'd heard of L Fest and seen some amazing YouTube videos from previous years but I never would have had the courage to turn up alone. Just weeks after joining the L Fest Solos Group my social life is amazing, there's plans for an L Fest Solos 'state of the art' tent and who knows - I might just find that special someone!'

'Another open door, another opportunity, for women to meet new friends, & gain confidence by going out on their own'

'A great way to connect with other single women before we all meet for the best weekend party on the planet'

'This solo page fills that silence of coming home from work to an empty place.......I know by coming onto this solo site I'm going to meet friends with whom I'm not feeling that I'm playing Gooseberry!'

'The first stepping stone to meet new friends and maybe more'

'I started as a solo before the very first L Fest but by the time the event came around I had already made plenty of friends!'

'Friendly group of people including the crew. Opportunities to venture out n meet those u've spent time getting to know in the group where ever u live as the crew travel around making venturing out a less daunting thing to do!'