Discussing LGBTQ representation in the media
How are LGBTQ women and our issues represented across film, TV, radio, online and in publishing? Are you happy with how LGBTQ characters are portrayed? Do you feel like issues that matter to you as an LGBTQ woman are addressed authentically? What else would you like to see in the media? Katie Bennett-Hall from Planet London and the new web series She’s in London discusses these questions with a panel from across the formats, including Wegan, Alicya Eyo (Emmerdale), Kathy Caton (Out in Brighton), Jane Clark (Crazy Bitches, The Touch) and Bethany Black (TBC). There will be a chance for the audience to pose questions and comments to the panel as well.
As well as co-founding Planet London, Katie co-Founded Planet Brighton, Planet Publishing and Planet PRomo. Katie is content editor and lead commissioner for all the Planet websites, as well as contributing a range of articles including book & film reviews, celebrity interviews, opinion pieces and features.
She is currently writing her first novel and poetry collection, and was recently published in the charity short story anthology 'L Is For...'. Katie is the writer of the first London LBQ webseries 'She's in London' which is currently in pre-production.
Katie has a long history of being active in the LGBT community as a volunteer, starting when she was a befriender to people coming out at university, and running her uni LGBT society. She ran a social group for lesbians when she lived in Plymouth called Plymouth WEST.
Katie has also spent time volunteering for London Raiders Softball Club and co-organising the massive Raiders bowling league. Katie’s work background is charity communications and publishing. In her day job Katie is a Project and Communications Manager at a young people's mental health charity.