
One of the few strictly LGBT erotic poets around, Immani Love brings her sensual voice and imagination stimulating words to the long awaiting ears and hearts of the world. 
Immani Love was born in Philadelphia, Pa and is currentlymaking her home in Florida. She has toured internationally including her most recent Rainbow Tour throughout the UK including Birmingham Pride, London Pride, UK Black Pride, and L Fest as well as various other venues.

NOW...the 2nd ANNUAL Rainbow Tour is scheduled and confirmed for summer 2015 with stops in England, France, Greece, and Scotland. She has been named 2013 Erotic Poet of the Year by the National Poetry Awards and has released a CD of erotic poems called Immani Love...Sensually Speaking, now available on iTunes!

Immani Love has also completedher first book of short stories in a series called Adventures in Eroticism,the first book is"Adventures in Eroticism: Four Seasons", now available on Amazon with the 2nd book "Adventures in Eroticism: Workplace" available soon!In addition to her performance life Immani Love is an Ordained Minister of Love and offers her officiant services to lovers who want to solidify their bond in matrimony.

If that's not enough, Immani Love is an active volunteer and supporter of various charities - Equality Florida, Zebra Coalition, St. Pete Pride, and Joy MCC, are very close to her heart. Most recently in light of the passing of her adopted son, Christopher “Angel” Stephens she has dedicated her 2015 tour to him and pledged to donate a portion of the proceeds to the International HIV/AIDS Alliance in his honour.