Year on year we have received amazing feedback from L Festers. I often get asked what is L Fest, by people who haven’t been before and it is so hard to answer because it means so much to so many people, it really is much more than just a festival. It is the community created from the festival, the friendly vibes, the freedom to be yourself, women 18 - 80+, families, children, couples, solos all enjoy L Fest ....oh and maybe because of the amazing programme of music, arts, comedy and films!
— Cindy Edwards - Festival Director

As part of our feedback survey from 2014 we asked the following question. ALL of the replies are below so you can see such positive responses we get from L Festers. 

Do you think that L Fest is an important event in the lesbian community calendar? (Please describe why in one sentence)  Yes: 94.6% - No: 1.2% - Maybe: 4.8% - Total votes:168

A creative, friendly space to promote a sense of community.

A great opportunity to be in the majority and feel comfortable.

A lesbian visible festival is very needed! Women of all ages attended - and that proves it.

Absolutely... The demographics shows that we've come a long way.

Arriving at L fest feels like coming home.

Because it is not the usual lesbian drama! People get on with each other, no arguments etc.

Because we need to come together plus we need each other

Build a better community.

Everyone feels welcome

For a whole weekend I was just one of the crowd not one on the outskirts of the crowd.

Great atmosphere, accessible for all women and their families, met some lovely people too!

I felt at home, better than any pride and great to get all lesbians together :-)

I'm not out at home, yet I could totally just be myself and feel safe at L fest

It's a celebration of having fun and being you - no matter who you are.

It brings everyone together and a great social event.

It brings us together - we're a diverse bunch but there's something for everyone.

It gives us a happy save place to be our selves x

It is a really good festival. Hope to support for ever

It is a wonderful place to meet up with old friends and make new ones.

It is one of the only opportunities for lesbians of all ages to mingle together!

It is what I look forward to each year and I've heard a lot of others say the same

It is wonderful to be myself with my wife in an inclusive space, full of friendly, lovely women.

It's a place where you can relax and be yourself & make new friends - magical :-)

It's an friendly atmosphere in which to meet new friends and old and enjoy common interests.

It's the friendliest festival I have ever been to, in my calendar already for 2015

Its an event that works the way 'we' want it to work. But it needs to work financially.

Just a great friendly feel good atmosphere.

L Fest is a great lesbian get together it's a safe space to relax and have a good time

Lesbians coming together in a safe place with activities and fun for all. And doggies.

Love is all around.

Open, friendly and so welcoming.

So nice to be in a place so accepting

So relaxed about being ME!

Somewhere you can be yourself

The atmosphere the friends and the music bring all ages together

The friendly atmosphere, being able to be who u are

There is nothing else like it.

There's nothing else quite like it and it's so welcoming and friendly

This is a much needed and positive celebration of lesbian culture in the UK.

Totally! A place we can all get together and be ourselves. Music etc for lesbians by lesbians.

Unique (affordable) event for lesbians

Unique safe space where women can meet and be themselves.

We can be comfortable in who we are in a relaxes environment

Women all in a field together lovely!

Yes it's the only lesbian festival left

Because there is nothing else like it in the calender.

Don't make the del mar event clash with the end of the football season

It gives us a good atmosphere and be able to be ourselves around each other

Safe place to behave in an uninhibited way. It belongs to us.

The diversity of L women needs to be celebrated as one!

It brings together a culture of women uniting us and empowering us in such a unique and special way you can't help but be emotionally touched by it x

A lot of LGBT events seems to be overrun with gay men and it gets a bit intimidating for women, especially single women or women travelling alone.

Feels at home. The atmosphere is unique to any other lesbian event I have been to. It's great to see old friends and make new ones!

It's like a great big family-we need that in our lives. some families get together at christmas-l-festers get together in july!

Because lesbian life becomes visible for two full days and this broadens the horizon not only of everyone that is being confronted with it all of a sudden, but also and especially of ourselves.

It helps like minded people join together and feel like the majority, not minority for a whole weekend.

It's THE lesbian festival for the UK - or should be! Need to get across the brand more strongly somehow.

Celebration of the modern goddess', brave, courageous, warriors. 'Sisters are doing it for themselves'.

Cindy is an amazing, talented inspirational young woman with a gorgeous fabulous dream.. And have made it come true for so many young/women- blessed xxx

Charge more for your tickets to help pay the losses from this year. £100 for three nights accommodation and into all access L Fest is a steal. I'd be happy to pay a bit more. Could offer discounts for those unemployed etc if they can't afford more.

Any event that provides so many opportunities to connect with like minded women is an important event.

An amazing, liberating, comfortable, friendly and fun environment where my Wife can hold my hand and kiss me and everyone smiles instead of stares. Well done Cindy ! We hope to be there every year from now on !

Because every town has a small group of lesbians and we need to branch out from that and this is a good way to do it

Because we want it..need it...and Love Lfest.. Lfest brings the Lesbian community together...with Pride..!!

L Fest feel like going camping with all your friends, the atmosphere is truly unrivalled, it is not your average festival.

Because it's a coming together of a great community where it involves almost every aspect anyone would be interested in at some point.

A reminder to support each other in a world that doesn't necessarily include our needs or interests.

Its important because we rarely get accepted and to be in a place where there's no homophobia and everyone is accepted

A chance to see friends you don't get the chance to see all year round. Important community to be part of.

Best weekend of the year. Felt completely comfortable in a friendly atmosphere with a community feel.

As it brings together women who may not meet otherwise and there is nothing else like it in the UK for lesbians.

An opportunity to affirm our identity and gain a sense of belonging to a community for LGBT women and their children.

A perfect opportunity to meet new friends and have fun at the same time, over a whole weekend with so much to see and do.

Nowhere else can you feel like family with people you never met before and make friends (and/or a wife) for life

I think it tries to be too many things to too many people,,I also resented being told at the comedy night that people should not be critical of the organisation of it.It was poorly organised and it needed to be said .

It's a unique opportunity to celebrate, and immerse ourselves in, the diversity within the lesbian community

It gets hundreds of women together where you can be yourself in a safe environment...also meet many new friends n maybe new girlfriend/wife :)

L Fest provides a safe, accepting and inclusive place to enable our inner selves to be out in public, without the prejudice we still see in this country.

Yes, it's where we come and feel safe to be ourselves and not wonder if those looking at us think we are odd.

Feels very important to have a lesbian space. They seems to be dwindling year by year, and it matters to have somewhere we can go to celebrate who we are!