
Get schooled about LBTQI sex and relationships at DIVA's Sex Academy

Hosted by Jane Czyzselska

Jane Czyzselska

As well as editing and writing for DIVA magazine and other publications, Jane is a qualified counsellor. She regularly hosts debates and events that explore, amongst other things, the way that sexuality and gender affect who and how we are and how we experience ourselves in the world.

divamag.co.uk, shoreditchtherapy.co.uk

Anna SaNsoM

Anna Sansom, PhD, has been DIVA’s Sex/Life Editor since January 2014. She is a multi-published erotic author, former sex blogger, and qualified sexuality professional. When not writing smutty stories, or working her day job as a university health researcher, she can be found drinking tea, sea swimming, and generally enjoying sensual pleasures. Find her on Twitter @ladygarden69, on Amazon, and writing for DIVA Magazine every month.

Meg John Barker

Writer, academic, counsellor and activist specialising in sex and relationships, Meg John is a senior lecturer in psychology at the Open University and a UKCP accredited therapist, and has over a decade of experience researching and publishing on these topics including the popular book Rewriting the Rules.


Rachel Morris 

Rachel Morris is a psychotherapist and writer. She's a regular guest on TV and radio  and has been the resident sex therapist and contributing editor for Cosmopolitan magazine for the past 13 years. She was once a guest on The Oprah Winfrey show and is  the author of ‘The Single Parents’ Handbook’.

Amanda Gay Love

An experienced sexuality educator and guide, Amanda Gay Love is passionate about queers of all descriptions having great sex. She creates queer hearted spaces so that people can explore and expand their sensual, sexual and spiritual potential. Ultimately she is all about pleasure and ensuring that people have a myriad of ways to get it. Over the last 15 years she has been fairly obsessed with LGBT issues and queer sexualities. She has extensive training in women’s sexuality, queer theory, tantra, and BDSM practices. She uses mindfulness, sex education and humour to create spaces that are warm, safe and challenging. Her Queer Hearted workshops facilitate more possibility's for sensational queer sex. Despite always leading from the heart and knowing a bit about chakras Amanda has resisted becoming a fully-fledged hippie, instead she describes herself as a spiritually curious dyke minx femme. She lives in London, spends too much money on books and sex toys and can often be found in gay bars that play disco.
